Prof. Dr. Michela Summa
Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Philosophie (Lehrstuhl I)
Prof. Dr. Michela Summa
Institut für Philosophie
Residenzplatz 2
97070 Würzburg
Tel. +49-(0)931/31-82033
Sprechstunden in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit des Wintersemesters:
- Mittwoch, 19.02.25, 14:00 - 15:00 Uhr
- Freitag, 07.03.25, 13:00 - 14:00 Uhr
- Dienstag, 01.04.25, 14:00 - 15:00 Uhr
Ort: Residenz Südflügel, 3. OG, Raum 3.41
Lehrveranstaltungen im Sommersemester 2025:
Vorlesung Theoretische Philosophie I: Skepsis und epistemische Verantwortung
Seminar (BA und LA) Bewusstsein – Identität – Erinnerung (zusammen mit Dr. Martin Klein)
Seminar (BA und LA) David Hume Ein Traktat über die menschliche Natur
Masterseminar Bernard Williams Ethik und die Grenzen der Philosophie
Masterseminar Immanuel Kant Kritik der reinen Vernunft. Die Antinomie der reinen Vernunft (zusammen mit Prof. Dr. Karl Mertens)
Vorstellung von Forschungsprojekten am Institut
- Berufung auf den Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Philosophie zum Wintersemester 2024/25
- Berufung auf die Juniorprofessur für Theoretische Philosophie (mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Phänomenologie) an der Universität Würzburg zum Wintersemester 2018/19
- Sommersemester 2018: Gastprofessur am Institut für Philosophie der Universität Kassel
- 2015-2018 wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Habilitandin am Institut für Philosophie der Universität Würzburg.
- 2009-2015 wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Sektion Phänomenologie der Klinik für Allgemeine Psychiatrie in Heidelberg.
- 2010 in Pavia und Leuven mit einer Dissertation über »Raum-Zeitlichkeit in Husserls transzendentaler Ästhetik« promoviert.
- Studium der Philosophie in Pavia und in Leuven.
- Phänomenologie der Wahrnehmung und sinnlicher Erfahrung;
- Phänomenologie der Imagination und der Fiktion;
- Phänomenologische Ästhetik;
- Phänomenologie der Subjektivität, der Intersubjektivität und der sozialen Erfahrung;
- Verhältnis zwischen Phänomenologie, Kognitionswissenschaften und Psychopathologie.
Publikationen/List of Publications
Summa, M. (2014). Spatio-Temporal Intertwining. Husserl’s Transcendental Aesthetic, Dordrecht: Springer (Phaenomenologica 213). (Reviewed by Philipp Schmidt in “Journal für Philosophie” 43, 2015, 84-88 and by Marco Cavallaro in “Husserl Studies” 32(1), 2016, 91-99; awarded with the 2016 Edwin Ballard Prize in Phenomenology).
Edited Books and Journals:
Schmidt, P., Spano, N. & Summa, M. (2024). Special issue of Human Studies on “Affect, Tendency, Drive: Perspectives on the Basic Structures of Intentionality”
Klein, M- & Summa, M. (2024). Schwerpunkt of Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie on „Intentionalität: Mittelalterliche und phänomenologische Zugänge“.
Summa M., Klein M. & Schmidt, P. (2022). Special issue of Topoi on “Double intentionality”
Summa M.& Mertens K. (2022). Das Exemplarische: Orientierung für menschliches Wissen und Handeln. Paderborn: Mentis
Summa M. & Mertens K. (2021). Special issue of Discipline Filosofiche on “Exemplarity as a Pattern of Thought in Aesthetic Cognition”
Caminada E. & Summa, M. (2020). Special issue of Phenomenological Reviews on “Giovanni Piana”
Summa, M. & Müller, J. (2018). Special issue of Phänomenologische Forschungen. “Modes of Intentionality. Phenomenological and Medieval Perspectives” (2/2018)
Summa, M., Fuchs, T. & Vanzago, L. (2018). Imagination and Social Perspectives. Approaches from Phenomenology and Psychopathology. London/New York: Routledge.
Caminada E. & Summa, M. (2015). Thematic Issue of Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy "Supervenience and the Theory of Experience. Assessing the Explanatory and Descriptive Power of a Formal Concept." 3(2)
Summa M. & Giuffrida P. (2013) Thematic Issue of Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy on “Naturalism and Subjectivity” 1(2)
Koch S., Fuchs T., Summa M., Müller C. (2012) Body Memory, Metaphor and Movement. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Journal Articles
a. Peer reviewed
Summa, M. (2024). "Play. A liminal phenomenon between behavior and action". Paradigmi 2/24 (DOI: 10.30460/11493)
Summa, M. (2024). “’An Affect that Shudders Me: An Approach to Husserl’s Phenomenology of Joy” Husserl Studies (DOI:
Summa, M. (2024). “Desiring to know. Curiosity as a tendency toward discovery”. Human Studies. 47/1 (DOI: 37-57
Summa, M. (2023). “Aesthetic normativity and deviation. A reading of Hume’s Of the Standard of Taste”. The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy, 16-33
Summa, M. (2023). “Insincere Promises. What do they tell us about the nature of social acts?". The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy XIX, 113-131
Summa, M. (2022). “Pain Memory and Actualization. Opening and Foreclosing Possibilities”. Discipline Filosofiche, XXII/1: 99-123.
Summa, M. (2022). “Phenomenological explanation: toward a methodological Integration in phenomenological psychopathology”. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences. 22, 719-741
Summa, M., Klein, M., Schmidt, P. (2022). „Introduction: Double Intentionality“. Topoi 41: 93-109.
Summa, M. (2021). “How are Fictions Given? An attempt to conjoin the ‘artifactual theory’ and the ‘imaginary-object theory’”. Synthese Topical Collections: Demistifying the Given. 199, 13749-13769
Summa, M. (2020). “Phenomenology of imagining and the pragmatics of fictional language”. Continental Philosophy Review. 53, 465-486
Summa, M. (2020). “Über Normalität und Abweichung. Ein responsiver Ansatz“. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 68/1, 79-100.
Summa M. (2019). “Is Make-Believe Only Reproduction? Remarks on the Role of Fiction in Shaping our Sense of Reality”. Social Imaginaries 5/1, 97-120.
Summa M. (2019). “Are Fictional Emotions Genuine and Rational? Phenomenological Reflections on a Controversial Question”. In: The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy, XVII, 246-267.
Summa M. and Mertens K. (2018). “Shaping Actions. On the Role of Attention and Ascription in the Formation of Intentions within Behavior.” Phaenomenologische Forschungen 2/2018, 177-196.
Müller J. and Summa M. (2018). “Modes of Intentionality. Phenomenological and Medieval Perspectives.”Phaenomenologische Forschungen, 5-24.
Summa M. (2017). “Phantasie, Interaktion und Perspektivenübernahme in Als-Ob Situationen. Eine phänomenologische Analyse”. Gestalt Theory. An International Multidisciplinary Journal.
Summa, M. (2017). “Towards a Phenomenological Account of Creativity. Kant and Merleau-Ponty on the Creative Power of Judgment and Creativity as Institution”. Continental Philosophy Review 50 (1), 105-126.
Van Duppen, Z., Summa, M. Fuchs, T. (2015). “Psychopathologie en film: een waardevolle interactie?”. Tijdschrift voor psychiatrie, 57, 596-603.
Summa M. & Fuchs, T. (2015). “Self-Experience in Dementia”. Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia, 6 (2), 387-405
Summa M. (2015). “Normalità o processi di normalizzazione? Le analisi husserliane sulla dimensione orto-estetica e il carattere dinamico dell’esperienza percettiva. » Paradigmi, 73-90.
Summa M. (2014). “Enacting Perception. The Relevance of Phenomenology”. Paradigmi 3/2014, 97-115.
Summa M. (2014). “The Disoriented Self. Layers and Dynamics of Self-Experience in Dementia and Schizophrenia”. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 13(3), 477-496.
Koch S., Fuchs T., Summa M. (2014) “Body Memory and Kinesthetic Body Feedback. The Impact of Light vs Strong Movement Qualities on Affect and Cognition”. Memory Studies, 7 (3), 272-284.
Summa M. (2013). “Process and Relation. Husserl’s Theory of Individuation Revisited”. The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 12, 109-135.
Summa, M. (2012). “Is This Self-Evident? The Phenomenological Method and the Psychopathology of Common Sense”. Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia, 191-207.
Summa, M. (2012). “Zwischen Erinnern und Vergessen. Implizites Leibgedächtnis und das Selbst am Beispiel der Demenz-Erkrankungen”. Phänomenologische Forschungen (2011) 163-182.
Summa, M. (2011). “Das Leibgedächtnis. Ein Beitrag aus der Phänomenologie Husserls”. Husserl Studies 27(3), 173-196.
b. Not peer reviewed
Summa, M. and Mertens, K (2021). “Introduction: Exemplarity. A pattern of thought for aesthetic cognition. Discipline Filosofiche , 5-21
Caminada, E. and Summa, M (2020). “Giovanni Piana: The epistemic virtues of phenomenology as method”. Special issue of Phenomenological Reviews on “Giovanni Piana” online
Caminada, E. and Summa, M. (2015). “Introduction”. Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 3(2), 7-18.
Summa M. and Giuffrida P. (2013) “Introduction”. Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 1(2), 7-12
Summa, M. (2011). “Ein Philosoph der Endlichkeit. Neue Literatur zu Hans Georg Gadamer.” InPhilosophische Rundschau 58(1), 45-53.
Summa, M. (2006) “Soggettività al plurale. Quando la fenomenologia della temporalità incontra l’altro”. In Elites 4, 55-66.
Summa, M. (2005), “Il tempo della coscienza: I "Bernauer Manuskripte" di Husserl”. In Oltrecorrente 10, 151-160.
Summa, M. (2005), “Costituzione e autocostituzione temporale della soggettività in E. Husserl”. In Elites 3, 36-55.
Book chapters
Summa M. (2023). “Is imagination a ‘necessary ingredient of perception’? Sellars’ and Husserl’s variations on a Kantian theme”. In: D. De Santis and D. Manca Sellars and Phenomenology. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 177-210
Summa M. & Mertens K. (2022). Einleitung. Das Exemplarische. Eine Orientierung für menschliches Wissen und Handeln. Paderborn: Mentis, vii-xxxv.
Summa, M. (2022). “La funzione dell’esempio e il paradigma del giudizio in Kant e Husserl“. In: F. Masi, R. Melisi, F. Seller (eds.), Tra experientia ed experimentum. Medioevo e modernità a confronto. Milano: Mimesis, 131-158
Summa M. (2022). “On the functions of examples in critical philosophy: Kant and Husserl. In: A. S. Aldea, D. Carr and S. Heinämaa, Why Method Matters: Phenomenology as Critique. London: Routledge, 25-43
Summa M. (2022). “Imaginative resistance and self-experience in fiction”. In: T. Breyer, M. Cavallaro and R.Y. Sandoval (eds). Darmstadt: WBG, 207-230.
Summa M. (2021). „Husserl’s phenomenology of acts of imagination“. In: Hanne Jacobs (ed.). The Husserlian Mind. London/New York: Routledge, 208-219.
Summa M. (2020). „Merleau-Ponty: Ein relationaler Ansatz zur Metaphysik“. In: Tobias Keiling (ed.). Phänomenologische Metaphysik. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 235-263
Summa M. (2020). “Joy and happiness”. In: Thomas Szanto and Hilge Landweer (Eds.). The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology of Emotions, London: Routledge, 416-425
Summa M. (2020). “Imaginativer Widerstand und Selbstverhältnis bei der Erfahrung von Fiktionen“. In: Karel Novotny and Katrin Nielsen (Ed.). Die Welt und das Reale. Nordhausen: Traugott Bauz
Summa M. (2020). “Expression and the Performative. A Reassessment”. In: Lucilla Guidi and Thomas Rentsch (Eds.). Phenomenology as Performative Exercise. Leiden: Brill, 99-119.
Summa M. (2018). “Experiencing Reality and Fiction: Discontinuity and Permeability”. In: Michela Summa, Thomas Fuchs and Luca Vanzago (Eds.), Imagination and Social Perspectives. London/New York: Routledge, 45-64.
Summa M., Fuchs T., Vanzago L. (2018). “Introduction: Imagination and Social Perspectives. Approaches from Phenomenology and Psychopathology”. In: Michela Summa, Thomas Fuchs and Luca Vanzago (Eds.), Imagination and Social Perspectives. London/New York: Routledge, 1-20.
Summa M. (2017). “Empathy and Anti-Empathy. Which Are the Problems?”. In: Elisa Magrì and Dermot Moran (Eds.). Edith Stein and Phenomenology. Heidelberg: Springer. 87-106.
Summa M. (2017). “Phenomenology of Imaginal Space”. In: Maria Teresa Catena and Felice Masi (Eds.) The Changing Faces of Space. Heidelberg: Springer. 75-99.
Summa M (2017). “Formale und transzendentale Logik”. In: Sebastian Luft and Maren Wehrle (Eds.), Husserl: Leben - Werk - Wirkung. Stuttgart: Metzler, 83-90.
Summa M. (2016). “Pretence and the Inner. Reflections on Expressiveness and the Experience of Self and Other”. In: Sonja Rinofner-Kreidl and Harald Wiltsche (Eds.), Proceedings of the 37. International Wittgenstein Symposium “Analytic and Continental Philosophy: Methods and Perspectives”. Berlin: De Gruyter, 309-322.
Summa M. (2016). “Imaginative Dimensions of Reality: Pretense, Knowledge, and Sociality”. In: Richard Sebold and Jack Reynolds (Eds.), Phenomenology and Sciences. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 205-224.
Summa, M. (2016). “Gefühl, Emotion und Erinnerung beim traumatisierten Selbst. Eine Frage der Kohärenz?”. In: Reinhold Esterbauer, Philipp Schmidt, Andrea Paletta, & David Duncan (Eds.), Bodytime. Leib und Zeit bei Burnout und in anderen Grenzerfahrungen. München: Alber, pp. 307-329.
Summa M. (2015) “Ein sinnloses Gewühl? Die Hypothese des Chaos und ihre Implikationen bei Kant und Husserl.” In Ästhetisches Wissen, hrsg. v. C. Asmuth und P. Remmers, Berlin-New York, De Gruyter, 189-210.
Summa M. (2015). “Are Emotions Recollected in Tranquility? Phenomenological Reflections on Emotions, Memory, and the Temporal Dynamics of Experience” In M. Ubiali & M. Wehrle (eds): Edmund Husserl on: Feeling and Value, Willing and Action, Heidelberg, Springer, 163-181.
Summa M. (2014). “Epoché und methodische Integration als Grundlagen für Blankenburgs Psychopathologie des common sense” In S. Micali, T. Fuchs, M. Heinze (eds): Wolfgang Blankenburg – Phänomenologie und Psychiatrie, Freiburg-München: Alber, 55-79
Summa M. (2014) “Der Gegenstand ohne Begriff und die Schichtung der Erfahrung bei Husserl und Kant”, in Husserl und die klassische deutsche Philosophie. Faustino Fabbianelli and Sebastian Luft (eds.). Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 133-145
Summa, M. (2013), “(Un-)Selbstverständlichkeit. Il metodo fenomenologico nella psichiatria tra Husserl e Blankenburg”. In E. Baccarini and M. Deodati, Husserl domani, Roma: Aracne, 253-276
Summa, M. (2012). “Body Memory and the Genesis of Meaning”. In Koch, Fuchs, Summa, Müller. Body Memory, Metaphor and Movement. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 23-41.
Summa, M., Koch, S. Fuchs, T. Müller C. (2012). “Body Memory. An Integration”. In Koch, Fuchs, Summa, Müller. Body Memory, Metaphor and Movement. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 427-444.
Kolter A., Ladewig S., Summa M., Koch S., Müller C., Fuchs T. (2012). “The Emergence of Body Memory and Metaphor in Movement. A Case Study.” In Koch, Fuchs, Summa, Müller. Body Memory, Metaphor and Movement. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 201-226.
Summa, M. (2011). “„Eine Totalität der Perspektive für mich“ Das Spannungsfeld der subjektiven Erfahrung zwischen Kompossibilität und Inkompossibilität”. In Römer, I. (ed.), Phänomenologie der Subjektivität und Intersubjektivität. Würzburg: Ergon Verlag, 41-54
Reviews and conference reports
Summa, M. (2015). Antonio Calcagno’s “Lived Experience from the Inside Out: Social and Political Philosophy in Edith Stein”. Human Studies 38/4, 591-600.
Summa M. (2014) Dominique Pradelle: Par delà la revolution copernicienne. Sujet transcendantal et facultés chez Kant et Husserl. In Husserl Studies 30, 89-99
Summa, M., Finetti, S. (2010) Merleau-Ponty. Penser sans dualismes aujourd’hui, in Rivista di Storia della Filosofia 1/2010, 159-162.
Summa, M. (2006), Ichiro Yamaguchi “Passive Synthesis und Intersubjektivität bei Edmund Husserl”, in Chora 12/2006, 95-100.
From Italian into English: Piana, Giovanni (2016). “Phenomenology as Phenomenological Method.” In: Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy.
From French into Italian: Daumal, René (2014). Poesia bianca e poesia nera. Roma: Castelvecchi.
From German into Italian: Held, Klaus (2014), “Esperienza temporale generativa”. In: Paradigmi 2/2014, 11-30.
From Dutch into Italian: Moyaert, Paul (2007) “Contro i calunniatori delle immagini”. In Oltrecorrente 13/2007, 87-112.
From Italian into German: Vanzago, Luca (2007), “Hyperdialektik und die Entstehung der Subjektivität. Zur Politik bei Merleau-Ponty”. In Leghissa, G., Staudigl, M. (ed.), Lebenswelt und Politik. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2007, 161-180.
Summa M. (2018) “On the Genuineness and Rationality of Fictional Emotion: A Phenomenological Approach”. The Junkjard of the Mind. Published on 11.04.2018
Summa M. (2017) “(Tagungsbericht) Phenomenology and Ecology. Conference in Honour of Prof. Ullrich Melle”. Et al. Ein Blog für phänomenologische Philosophie. Published on 10.07.2017 (
Summa M. (2016) “The Disoriented Self”. Imperfect Cognitions. Published on 26.01.2016 (
Summa M. (2016) “Experiencing Fictions”. Center for Subjectivity Research. Published on 12.12.2016 (