Deutsch Intern
Institut für Philosophie

Sonstige Veranstaltungen

Vortragsreihe “Reasons, Causes, and Moral Agents” (organisiert von Gareth Paterson)

  • Do, 9.6.2022, 20-22 Uhr, Toscana-Saal: Prof. GFR Ellis: Complexity, Emergence, and Downward Causation: An Updated Version of Aristotle’s Forms of Causation
  • Mi, 22.11.2022, 18-20 Uhr (Zoom) Prof. Gregory Sadler: How we Shape our Character: Epictetus on Reasons, Reasons, and Prohairesis
  • Do, 8.12.2022, 20-22 Uhr, Toscana-Saal: Prof. Maria Alvarez: Agency and Responsibility: the (Dual) Significance of Alternative Possibilities
  • Di, 21.3. 2023, 14-16 Uhr, R.3.38: Prof. Sebastiano Ghisu: The Roots of the Modern Conception of Possibility
  • Mo, 3.7.2023,18-20 Uhr, R. 3.38: Dr. Andreas Blank: Causation, Common Notions, and Christian Wolff’s Analysis of Moral Imputation